How to Be a Good Parent

Parenting is mostly instinctive for most people, and a little of teaching from our own childhood caregivers. It is a worry that is perfectly normal for any new expecting parents. You may already know some of what you need to know, but some helpful tips can ease your worries. This article will go over some ways that you can be sure you are doing the best for your baby, through toddler years, and on into the teens.

How to Be a Good Parent

The problem is, children don’t come with instruction manuals. If you have never had a child, fear of the unknown details of parenting can be daunting. You can rest assured that once your baby is born, you will just know what to do mostly by basic instinct. However, some details are learned over time.

You will know when to feed your child, when to diaper them, bathe them, and rock them to sleep. What you will need to know, are the things that help your child grow into a stable and functional adult.

  1. 1. Model Good Behavior

Your child will learn most of what he or she knows from watching how you do things. If you are trying to be a good parent and show your child right from wrong, you have to do those things yourself. Children learn by imitating others, and they watch parents and teachers very closely.

Model being loving, model being positive, give them empathy, and most of all show respect if you want respect.

  1. 2. Communicate/Listen

Be a good listener. Your child will need to know they can talk to you about anything. If you are a good listener to your child, chances are they will be a better listener when you are trying to communicate with them. Make sure when you communicate with your child, you use soft or firm tones in your voice, and do not yell. Studies show that yelling at children is ineffective. They will shut down and not hear anything you say.

  1. 3. Read to Your Child

Reading to your child is time together. When you end your busy day, this shows your child that they matter. It fosters an intimate connection between parents and children. It also helps teach them reading skills. You can begin reading to your child the day you bring them home from the hospital. 

  1. 4. Choose Your Battles

Try not to “micro-parent” your children. Not everything is bad, they are mostly just discovering their world, and if they won’t harm themselves or anyone, leave them be. If you do notice behavior that would harm your child, is lack of good choices, or they may harm someone else, then address the situation.

  1. 5. Give Love and Hugs

How to be a good parent? Your child needs love and affection to develop properly. Make sure you show them love everyday and let them know they are important to you. This will also help their self-esteem, and teach them to love others.

  1. 6. Do Family Excursions

Take them out to see the world. Go to museums. Go to the park. Take them for nature walks to identify plants, and trees. This is spending time with your child, and teaching them at the same time.

  1. 7. Have Structure

Structure makes children feel safe, organized, and secure. Even infants crave routines. Develop set mealtimes, playtime, naptime, and bedtime. Always let your child know the plan for the day. Give them duties that lie within your family structure. This helps them prepare for life outside your home.

  1. 8. Care For Yourself

Take care of yourself first. A tired parent cannot care for a child properly. Make sure you eat healthy, drink fluids, and get your rest. It is also helpful to have hobbies or activities each week away from your home and child to regroup yourself.

  1. 9. Let Them Fix Their Mistakes

If your child makes a mistake, help them think of ways to fix it. This fosters problem solving skills and taking responsibility for themselves.

  1. 10. Let Them Be Independent

It may be hard to watch, but your three year old is insisting on dressing themselves in horrible combinations. Let them dress themselves. Chances are all the other three year olds in preschool will have crazy outfits. Have them do as much for themselves within reason. You will be less tired as a parent if you have a child that can do for themselves, and they will be better functioning adults.

  1.  11. Be Positive

How to be a good parent? Children thrive on positive experiences, positive praise, and parents with positive attitudes. Don’t overpraise, but do give praise when it is deserved. Don’t look for the negative like, “I’m glad you won your game but you could have caught that ball better.” Instead try, “congrats on that win, we should work on your catches next Saturday.” This helps foster a better self-image, rather than putting them down.

  1. 12. Don’t Overreact

If your child does something wrong, overreacting will only escalate situations. They are very sensitive to your energy. If you get excited, they will get excited. If you are calm, they will react back calmly. You can diffuse any situation with a child by just taking a deep breath first, and speaking to them in a firm, but calm manner.

  1.  13. Give Them Safety

Children need to feel safe and secure. Let them know they can always come to you and talk about anything. Teach them about “stranger danger.” Encourage them to use the “buddy system,” when walking places outside. Explain to them about “good touch/bad touch.” Keep an eye on friends older kids choose to hang out with. Talk about driver safety, dangers of drug use, and encourage them to use bicycle helmets.

  1.  14. Set Limits

Set limits for your kids, and stick to them. They will try to push to be given more freedoms. Sometimes kids don’t understand that limits on what they can and cannot do are for their own good. Talk to them about why there are limits and boundaries. Use examples if you have to. You can always loosen limits as kids show a sense of responsibility.

Now you know better how to be a good parent.

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