Stomach fat is one of the trickiest types of fat. It is easily accumulated and quite difficult to remove. Females, especially new moms are especially concerned about the increased stomach fat during pregnancy and they want to know the ways to remove it.
During pregnancy, the majority of the weight gain occurs around your tummy. This excess weight and fat around your tummy can be quite difficult to remove, especially post pregnancy.
What Does Post Pregnancy Belly Look Like?
You Still Look Pregnant
Your body, especially your belly may take some time to recover post pregnancy. You can imagine your abdomen to be a balloon that is inflated gradually during pregnancy. Childbirth causes a slight leakage in the balloon and does not just pop it. However, this leak is a steady one and your belly will gradually come back to its normal size. Thus even though after giving birth, you may still look pregnant.
Stretch Marks or C Section Scars
Your post pregnancy belly develops stretch marks and linea nigra (a dark line in the middle of the abdomen) as a result of excessive stretching of the skin during pregnancy. If you have delivered your baby by cesarean section, then you may also have the scars from the surgery. Stretch marks usually fade away six to twelve months after delivery; however, their texture may persist. The color of linea nigra also becomes lighter gradually over the year post delivery.
When Does Post Pregnancy Belly Go Back to Normal?
The extra fat that gets accumulated during pregnancy to serve as an energy source for your baby also starts burning gradually. The process is accelerated if you are breastfeeding your baby and exercising post pregnancy. However, it will still take up to a few weeks for you to see positive results.
Regaining pre-pregnancy belly is possible within a few weeks of giving birth; however, it does not happen in the majority of the females. For the majority of mothers, they gain the pre-pregnancy belly after about 5-6 months. You have to keep patience as your tummy muscles took nine months to stretch and carry your baby. The degree and speed to which these muscles will tighten depends on certain factors, enumerated below:
- The original shape and size of your body before pregnancy
- The amount of weight gain during pregnancy
- The level of your activity
- Your genes
It is easier to come back to your normal shape and size if:
- The amount of weight gain is less than 13.6 kg during pregnancy
- You performed regular exercise during pregnancy
- You are breastfeeding your baby
- This is your first pregnancy
How to Flatten My Belly After Giving Birth
Listed below are the ways to get rid of post pregnancy belly:
1. Breastfeeding
Breastfeeding is helpful, particularly during the initial months post delivery. During breastfeeding extra calories are used to make milk; hence breastfeeding females lose weight more quickly in comparison to females who do not breastfeed. Contractions of the uterus are also triggered by breast feeding, that help in shrinking the uterus.
2. Exercise
Post-pregnancy exercise is also helpful. Whether you are going for a walk or attending postpartum yoga classes, exercise helps in toning the muscles of the stomach and in burning calories. Aerobic exercises and exercises focusing on the muscles of the stomach can help you get back in to your old shape and size. However, before starting any new exercise routine, ensure that your body is ready to take the stress.
Yoga and Pilates are two excellent forms of exercises that focus on strengthening your core. Watch two videos for useful abs workout to flatten your belly after giving birth:
3. Healthy Diet
Regular exercise along with eating a healthy and well balanced diet will help you lose pounds. The total calories that you should have in a day cannot be generalized. It depends on your current weight and activity level. Follow the below mentioned guidelines to achieve and maintain your optimal weight:
- Eat a healthy breakfast regularly
- Include at least five portions of fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet per day
- Eat foods rich in fiber, such as beans, oats, lentils, seeds and grains
- In each meal eat a starchy food such as rice, bread, pasta, preferably wholegrain (rich in fiber) or potatoes
- Restrict your intake of foods that are high in fats and sugars such as cakes and cookies
4. Other Tips
Apart from fitness, all new mothers can start doing pelvic floor exercises and exercises to gently tone the muscles of the lower abdomen as soon as they feel that their body is ready. This may also help you to achieve your pre-pregnancy shape and weight and flatten your belly. Here‘s a comprehensive list of methods to lose post pregnancy belly fat.