Places to Have a Party

Deflated balloons everywhere, food in unusual places, and not enough room in the bins to shove the refuse. Why on earth do you decide to have your child’s birthday party at home?

Surely, there is a better option than baking, cleaning up for the party and having everything messed up by stampeding six year olds! With a bit of lateral thinking, you can find a low-stress party venue that suits your needs. Our list will help you solve the party venue dilemma. Most of the places to have a party listed below are much less expensive than the children’s birthday packages and much healthier than party rooms and fast food outlets.

Places to Have a Party for Kids

1. Parks and Nature Centers

A particular favorite of younger children, park parties have some fantastic things to offer. Playground equipment provides entertainment for younger kids and skate parks can do the same for older children. A wealth of space and amenities are at your disposal if you pick the right park, and the best part is that messy, cake-covered little people are not jeopardizing the cleanliness of your carpets and soft furnishings. In clement weather, when the ground is not muddy, consider procuring a trestle of collapsible table to put the food and drink on; and with a few well-chosen picnic blankets, you have no need for seats.

2. Zoos

Many zoos offer party packages that can cover admission and food. This is a fantastic option if you only have a little money to throw at the party. There is no chance of boredom at a zoo; in addition to the animal enclosures, there may be carnival style sideshows, playgrounds, and hands on activities to keep children of all ages entertained. Big city zoos are not the only option in this vein. Many rural areas have petting zoos, farm stays, wetlands, and nature reserves that can also provide animal-related fun and activities. Staff at these facilities are often hugely passionate about the animals they work with, and it can be a memorable experience for your child.Plus this, if you have paid for a birthday package, they will do the setup and clean-up for you. 

3. Open Fields in the Woods

Best suited to teddy bear picnics, fishing or camping expeditions, dress-up parties, bohemian and whimsical teen parties, and the like, the romantic and naturally beautiful fields in the woods can be perfect for creating a party hideaway. You will need to do more organization than if you choose to go to a venue with party packages, but you do have the ability to create a very personal low-cost event for a child who appreciates the natural beauty of the place or even just the huge area to run amok in.

4. Beaches

Beaches make an excellent venue for tropical or nautical theme parties. Depending on how busy the beach is, you may have vast amount of room at your disposal. In the warmer months, beaches allow an indefinite finishing time, and beach parties can stretch into the night without worrying about closure of the area.

5. Rinks

Whether it be ice-skating or roller-skating, you can organize a high energy party for active children and teens at your nearest skate rink. Some parents choose to hire a venue for a few hours, which involves a relatively high cost. There are also rinks that offer party packages that include food, skate hire, and activities. Indoor rinks have the advantage of negating any risk of poor weather and thus are a great option for winter months. Since many outdoor rinks do not offer onsite food, you may have to bring your own food and drink, but this is a small amount of effort compared to the prospect of keeping a group of very active children busy around your home. Teenagers tend to benefit most from a rink party and are more likely to have the necessary co-ordination and skills to participate in skating activities. You should check with your child as to the abilities and limitation of their friends when it comes to skating, or you may end up with a group of injured or sulky kids on your hands.

6. Museums

For inquisitive kids, you can’t go past museums and discovery centers for parties. This departure from the typical children’s party is not for every child; but for the bright, intelligent, and curious kids, there is no better venue. Dinosaurs, relics, and intricately-woven stories abound, and some museums offer activities and parties that can engage and enthrall children and teenagers alike, not to mention the lack of fuss and stress required on the part of the parents. You may also find that the ageless appeal of museums may mean that you have more parents of your child’s guests volunteering to help out. This low stress party alternative can be quite inexpensive depending on your choice of museum, and you won’t have to pack up afterwards!

7. Library Meeting Rooms

Depending on the policies and space available at your local library, you may find libraries a useful venue for a younger child’s birthday party. Be aware that loud active children may struggle with the libraries rules and restrictions, but a daytime movie, building block, or craft party can be easily hosted at a very low cost in the branch library. Many libraries have shifted their focus from silence and studious seriousness to interactive learning, and provided that you can bring the food, drink, and appropriate activities, you may find the library a flexible and enthusiastic host venue.

8. Party Rooms

Don’t automatically dismiss the classical party venue. The ease of paying professionals to cater for your child’s party should not be underestimated. The cost involved may seem unnecessary at first, but the expense of organizing a party at home from scratch quickly adds up, not to mention the time involved in such an endeavor. Many parents struggle with organizing parties on their own for years, then decide to use a party venue, and never go back. With activities, party bags, and food included, these packages are specifically designed to make the process as simple as possible for the parents. The facilities are generally indoors and have playgrounds or equipment that can entertain a wide variety of age groups for hours.

9. Other Places to Consider

Here are a few other options to think about:

  • Someone else’s house. Just because the baking and party preparations have made your house look like a bombsite doesn’t mean that you can’t take the party to grandma’s back yard!
  • Farms. Many farms open their gates to groups and let kids have a go at apple picking or even some of the animal-related farm chores.
  • Bowling Alleys. Adaptable to any age, this party venue favorite has a timeless appeal. Tell your guests to make sure they wear socks!

Of course, there are many other places to have a party, and the best advice is to recognize your child’s interests and go from there. With a little brainstorming, you and your child can host a birthday party both of you will never forget.

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